Everyone knows that a massage chair is like an investment, you’ve got to take care of it over time, otherwise what’s the point?
Today, I’m going to go over some simple tips, and explain why it’s best to do these in order to make sure your massage chair can last longer!
Everyone wants to get the best out of their massage chair, so the best thing to do is keep doing these things, and you’ll be alright!
So without further ado, let’s get into the first tip.
TLDR: The easiest way to make sure your massage chair lasts a long time is to treat it like a car! Make sure you give the outside a clean from time to time, make sure to use it regularly, and then turn it off when not in use from the back.
Massage Chair Tip #1: Clean the Exterior from Time to Time
We naturally love clean things, and anything inside your home would generally be clean too. So why would I mention cleaning your massage chair?
The answer is dust.
Lots of things can often get dust built up inside them, similar to dust bunnies under the couch. Just like a regular couch, a massage chair can also have some dust bunnies in them too. More often than not, sometimes dust might slip inside the mechanism, and start to build up over time.
When this happens, sometimes a massage chair can randomly stop working from some internal failure, purely just due to dust. It’s often why most technology pieces have tightly shut internal mechanisms.
However, because of the size of a massage chair, the dust can build up over time, and pose an issue.
The simple solution?
Just give it a quick and easy wipe once every two weeks. The best part is that you don’t need to go and buy anything special, we personally use baby wipes to clean down all sides of the massage chair, and that’s more than enough.
Never knew that using the massage chair regularly can make it last longer. Well, I guess that can be done with no effort since I’m already using it every day..