How Firm or Soft are the Airbags in a Massage Chair?

As you probably know, many massage chairs come with airbags. But each massage chair is likely to have different pressure inside their airbags.

The worst part is, none of the product manual’s have any measurements inside of them!

So how on Earth would you know which one is right for you?

Well today, I’m going to rank each of the OGAWA Massage Chairs that we have to demonstrate to you what each massage chair’s airbags are like, and how hard they press.

To do this, I’m going to set each of the massage chairs to the maximum air pressure intensity, then rate the firmness on a scale!

I’m lucky enough to have all the massage chairs in our Brisbane showroom, so without further ado, let’s get to testing!

Our Measurement Scale:

For this, we’ll set the score for each rating to help make the results make a bit more sense!

  1. Super soft, I could barely feel it
  2. Very soft, it’s there but not very present
  3. Quite soft, I can feel it pressing, but it feels similar to a blanket on my arm
  4. Somewhat soft,
  5. Slightly soft, it feels like a normal press that I’d be happy with over a long period of time
  6. Slightly firm, it feels like a normal press that I’d be happy with over a long period of time
  7. Somewhat firm, it feels like a nice firm press
  8. Quite firm, I can feel it holding me, it’s like a good handshake
  9. Very firm, I feel like I’m being held with a two arms firmly
  10. Super firm, I probably wouldn’t want this for more than 10 seconds

Massage Chair 1: Rating the OGAWA Master Drive A.I’s Airbag Pressure

On this massage chair, I tried out the hip, arm, shoulder, calf and feet airbags.

Massage Chair Hip Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive AI

Hip Airbag: 6/10

The hip massage on the Master Drive AI is something which really impressed me. It can press from both sides at the same time, and can also press one-by-one, which pushes my body around.

It’s got the perfect pressure that doesn’t feel too tight, but it does a great job reaching out. Personally, I wouldn’t want this to be any firmer, otherwise this might even hurt.

Massage Chair Arm Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive AI

Arm Airbag: 7/10

When experiencing the arm airbag massage for this chair, I really liked the way it felt like it was gripping on my arm. It wasn’t a simple flat press, but rather a grab, hold, release, and repeat sort of sensation.

Massage Chair Foot Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive AI

Foot Airbag: 5/10

When combined with the foot roller, the massage chair helped pull my foot in, and pressed it into the multiple rollers beneath my feet.

This was such a relaxing feeling!

Out of all the massage chairs, this was ultimately the most relaxing foot massage I had!

Because it wraps around from the sides, and pushes inwards, it doesn’t hurt the sides of my feet, but rather feels really nice on the top side!

Massage Chair Shoulder Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive AI

Shoulder Airbag: 8/10

Spoiler, this also was the best shoulder airbag for the range of massage chairs I tried today!

I really liked the way the massage chair felt like it was constantly expanding outwards into the shoulders.

Similar to the feet airbags, the shoulder airbag wraps around and pushes inwards on my shoulders.

It’s honestly so so comfortable.

Massage Chair Calf Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive AI

Calf Airbag: 6/10

This one gets a bonus point simply for having the adjustable calf/knee airbags on its side. I really enjoyed the way this wrapped around my calves and knees, it wasn’t too firm, and it really got my muscles good.

When I moved the calf part up towards my knee, the massage feels just like a person pressing down, and travelling up my calf to my knees.

It’s genuinely so relaxing.

Massage Chair 2: Rating the OGAWA Master Drive Plus’s Airbag Pressure

On this massage chair, I tried out the hip, arm, shoulder, calf and feet airbags.

Massage Chair Hip Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive Plus

Hip Airbag: 7/10

When sitting in this chair, I was impressed with how quickly the air enters the airbags in this massage chairs hips. In comparison to all the others, this one did the one-by-one hip massage style faster.

Massage Chair Arm Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive Plus

Arm Airbag: 8/10

I really felt this pressing down on my, somewhat like a hydraulic press.

I promise I mean this in the nicest way!

It’s like feeling the tension smoothing with each approaching second.  

Massage Chair Foot Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive Plus

Foot Airbag: 8/10

Out of all the massage chairs, this definitely had the firmest foot rollers of them all. This is probably due to the massage chair pushing my feet down onto the massage rollers firmer than the other massage chairs.

Massage Chair Shoulder Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive Plus

Shoulder Airbag: 9/10

I definitely felt the press on this one, and I really needed it. I often have really tight shoulders, so something like this was perfect for me.

I felt my shoulders press in, and once they released, they felt so loose.

Massage Chair Calf Airbag for OGAWA Master Drive Plus

Calf Airbag: 8/10

Sharing the same ability as the Master Drive AI, the Master Drive Plus massage chair can also move along from the calf to the knee.

Except this one really presses into the calves much deeper.

It’s like the stretch you’ve needed, without needing any effort.

Massage Chair 3: Rating the OGAWA Cosmo-X’s Airbag Pressure

On this massage chair, I tried out the arm, shoulder, calf and feet airbags.

Massage Chair Arm Airbag for OGAWA Cosmo-X

Arm Airbag: 6/10

This honestly felt really nice with the dotted pads on the arm airbag. When it presses down, it’s feels refreshing.

It also inflates pretty quickly!

Massage Chair Feet Airbags for OGAWA Cosmo-X

Foot Airbag: 7/10

I actually liked the way this pressed down on my feet.

It’s simple, and similar to the others too!

Massage Chair Shoulder Airbag for OGAWA Cosmo-X

Shoulder Airbag: 8/10

Because of the Cosmo-X massage chair’s more-snug frame, the airbags dug into my shoulders very nicely!

Massage Chair Calf Airbags for OGAWA Cosmo-X

Calf Airbag: 8/10

Despite seemingly smaller, the Cosmo-X packed a really good punch!

I didn’t expect it to wrap around so nicely, and feel like it absorbed my calf!

Massage Chair 4: Rating the OGAWA Smart Reluxe’s Airbag Pressure

On this massage chair, I tried out the arm, shoulder, calf and feet airbags.

Massage Chair Arm Airbag for OGAWA Smart Reluxe

Arm Airbag: 8/10

I was surprised at how strong this was!

Massage Chair Feet Airbags for OGAWA Smart Reluxe

Foot Airbag: 4/10

I was also equally surprised at how soft this was!

This might be because the rollers themselves were different, but I didn’t feel too much strength here!

Massage Chair Shoulder Airbag for OGAWA Smart Reluxe

Shoulder Airbag: 6/10

This was quite nice because the airbags were much bigger in size than any of the others!

Massage Chair Calf Airbag for OGAWA Smart Reluxe

Calf Airbag: 7/10

I was happy with the calf airbags on this one!

Conclusion: A Final Ranking of Total Massage Chair Airbag Pressure!

Now, let’s get the average score of each massage chair, and rank them on their firmness!

Based on my ranking and scale as above, here’s the list from firmest to softest.

  1. Master Drive Plus: 8.0/10
  2. Cosmo-X: 7.25/10
  3. Master Drive AI: 6.40/10
  4. Smart Reluxe: 6.25/10

While I haven’t been able to supply any form of pressure, if you do know how to measure this, leave a comment below!

3 thoughts on “How Firm or Soft are the Airbags in a Massage Chair?

  1. Vivian says:

    The master drive plus’s airbag is definitely quite intense (but in a really good way). The press against my calves and arms increase the blood flow and helps to relieve some of that soreness. The airbag is especially intense in the Thai massage function because it uses the airbags to secure your legs and shoulders while it performs the stretches. I personally love a strong press on my arms and legs

  2. Pingback: Comparing the Foot Massager in OGAWA Massage Chairs

  3. Pingback: How Firm or Soft are the Airbags in a Massage C...

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