If you’ve considered buying a massage chair, then you’ve probably also thought about the space it’ll take up. You’ve probably then looked for a small massage chair, or anything relatively compact.
While many massage chair companies write the size of their massage chairs down, it’s not really the easiest to imagine.
So how do you go about knowing what massage chair size is both small, and will fit you?
In this blog, I’ll try to cover some key points to consider in massage chairs that save space in their design.
So let’s get to breaking that down!
TLDR: Massage chairs have two measurements, one when they’re standing upright, and one when they’re reclined back. It’s important to know how much space from the wall is needed, and it’s important to know how far the legs can extend.
What is Considered a Small Massage Chair?
A small massage chair is one that is relatively compact, and takes up as minimal space as possible.
From a measurement point of view, there are two measurements which are more important than the rest, those being the width and the space required from the wall.
Typically speaking, a small massage chair is one that is 75cm wide or less, and requires less than 10cm space from the wall.
Some massage chairs have simply smaller builds, with smaller dimensions and massage chair tracks, while others reduce the amount of space they take up to give you more space in a smaller area.
When we’re looking at a massage chair that gives the best of both worlds, we’d want to choose a massage chair like the latter.
These ones tend to have very thin framing, as compared to thicker framed models. This is often combined with having less cushioning on the massage chair altogether to save space.
To compare, here is a photo of two massage chairs side by side. One being the OGAWA Cosmo X Massage Chair and the other being the Irelax Smart Deluxe.